Former VP/Senior Director, Anaplan
With over 20+ years of experience in the tech space, Silky has worked across engineering and product innovation, commercialising pioneering research into market leading products - building world’s first 3G Test mobile, 4G/5G Small cell routers, created Open API automotive SaaS Platform to name a few.
Silky has worked with and built world class product engineering teams, while scaling up innovative tech start-ups. She led POCs which became BUs and later these start-ups and enterprises were acquired by Francisco Partners, CISCO, CSR, Samsung, Qualcomm and Aeroflex.
She was the Global Director of R&D at CDK of their International organisation and later she started consulting as Interim CTPO and strategic advisor to founders of pre-seed start-ups.
Silky is on the EMEA leadership board of the Women in Big Data programme, as well as being a mentor on various tech leadership mentoring programmes. She is also a Board Advisor (Product Innovation) at We and AI, a non-profit organisation raising awareness of the risks and rewards of AI.